What is the journalism we wish A.I. to take part in?

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This is an interactive reading experience by Joyce Ho in Spring 2023 at RISD that allows readers to stand in the point of view of a human journalist to weigh in the newsroom's code of ethics against AI’s algorithms.

This project is advised by Professor Marisa Mazria Katz.
While reading the A.I. generated text...

Ask A.I. to write a 500 word news article about how A.I. and journalism
can coexist in the time when people keep on questioning its reliability.

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This is an interactive reading experience by Joyce Ho in Spring 2023 at RISD that allows readers to stand in the point of view of a human journalist to weigh in the newsroom's code of ethics against AI’s algorithms.

This project is advised by Professor Marisa Mazria Katz.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the field of journalism, providing new tools for data analysis, fact-checking, and news distribution. However, as AI becomes more prevalent in the news industry, questions about its reliability and impact on the quality of journalism continue to arise. Despite these concerns, experts believe that AI and journalism can coexist and even complement each other in the future.
One of the key benefits of AI in journalism is its ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently.News organizations can use AI algorithms to scan social media feeds, websites, and other online sources for breaking news and trends, allowing them to report on stories faster than ever before. This speed can be especially crucial in situations like natural disasters or political crises, where accurate and timely information can save lives.
AI can also assist journalists in fact-checking and verification, a critical component of responsible journalism. Many news organizations use AI tools to identify potential sources of misinformation or disinformation, allowing them to verify the accuracy of claims and statements quickly. AI can also help journalists fact-check images and videos, which are increasingly used to spread false information online. However, the reliability of AI-generated content has been called into question by some experts, who argue that algorithms can be biased or make mistakes. For example, AI language models may inadvertently perpetuate racial or gender stereotypes or fail to detect sarcasm or irony in text. These errors can lead to inaccurate or misleading news stories, which can erode public trust in journalism.
To address these concerns, some experts suggest that journalists and news organizations should approach AI as a tool rather than a replacement for human reporting. While AI can help automate certain tasks, such as data analysis or transcription, it cannot replace the judgement and intuition of experienced reporters. Journalists must continue to critically evaluate the results of AI algorithms and ensure that they align with ethical standards and journalistic values. Another challenge with AI and journalism is the potential impact on employment in the industry. As news organizations increasingly rely on automation and AI, some fear that journalists and other media professionals may lose their jobs. However, others argue that AI can actually create new job opportunities in journalism, such as data scientists or AI analysts, who can work alongside reporters to extract insights from large datasets.
Overall, while there are valid concerns about the reliability and impact of AI in journalism, experts believe that AI and journalism can coexist and even benefit each other. AI can help journalists work more efficiently, fact-check information, and identify new stories, while journalists can provide the critical thinking and analysis needed to ensure accuracy and ethical reporting. As the news industry continues to evolve, it will be important for journalists and news organizations to stay informed about the latest AI tools and techniques and adapt their practices accordingly.

Understand how
generative A.I. works

NYT Upshot by Aatish Bhatia
"Watch an A.I. Learn to Write by Reading Nothing but 'Jane Austen' "

Interact with the Baby GPT
in this article

Get an understanding of how generative A.I. generates its responses based on algorithmic calculations. In this article, The New York Times trained a mini A.I. to learn human language by only modelling the complete works of Jane Austen and other long texts.

Summarize the given
article's text

The article explores the process of training a language model called BabyGPT on a small amount of text from Jane Austen's works. Over time, BabyGPT learns to generate increasingly coherent sentences, demonstrating the learning capabilities of language models. The rapid progress and complexity of language models like ChatGPT raise concerns about their unpredictability and potential for incorrect reasoning, underscoring the need for careful development and oversight of these powerful AI systems

Respond to current open letters on A.I.

Understand major concerns over A.I.

"Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter"
We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.

understand the open letter's concern

The open letter highlights the risks posed by AI systems with human-competitive intelligence and calls for a pause in training more powerful AI systems. It emphasizes the need for shared safety protocols, rigorous oversight by independent experts, and accelerated development of robust AI governance systems to ensure safety, transparency, and societal benefits. The letter urges a careful and well-planned approach to AI development, suggesting a "pause" similar to other technologies that have posed potential risks to society.

list sets of concerns posed

01 Propaganda and misinformation: It raises concerns about the possibility of machines flooding information channels with propaganda and untruths, which can have detrimental effects on society.
02 Job automation: The letter questions whether automation should lead to the replacement of all jobs, including fulfilling ones, potentially causing significant societal and economic disruptions.
03 Nonhuman minds outnumbering and outsmarting humans: There is a concern that the development of nonhuman minds through advanced AI systems may eventually surpass human capabilities, potentially leading to obsolescence and loss of control.
04 Loss of control: The open letter warns about the risks of losing control over the development and deployment of powerful AI systems, especially when the systems become increasingly complex and difficult to understand or predict

check who signed the open letter through the link

Certainly! The first five people listed include:
Yoshua Bengio, Founder and Scientific Director at Mila, Turing Prize winner and professor at University of Montreal
Stuart Russell, Berkeley, Professor of Computer Science, director of the Center for Intelligent Systems, and co-author of the standard textbook “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach"
Bart Selman, Cornell, Professor of Computer Science, past president of AAAI
Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, Tesla and Twitter
Steve Wozniak, Co-founder, Apple

Hear out Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting

"Restrict AI Illustration from Publishing: An Open Letter"

summarize pasted text while you take a bathroom break

The open letter discusses the impact of generative-image AI technology on the field of journalism and illustration. It highlights the risk of human illustrators being replaced by AI-generated illustrations, which are faster and cheaper to produce. The open letter argues that this technology not only threatens the livelihood of artists but also results in the loss of originality and human insight in art. It also raises concerns about copyright infringement and the economic implications of favoring AI over human artists. The open letter calls for a pledge to support human-made art and resist the use of generative-AI images in journalism

decide whether you sign the open letter

Contemplate over

"The team behind the Manyfesto came together around a shared desire to move beyond Western-centric biases in isolation driving global technology as we move forward into the algorithmic era.""

summarize pasted text while you take a coffee break

The open letter is a call for a decolonial approach to AI technologies, aiming to challenge the dominance of Western perspectives and biases in the language, development, and governance of AI. It emphasizes the need to uncover, question, and reinvent assumptions, and to recognize and address power asymmetries and historical injustices. The goal is to create a space for marginalized voices and cultures to shape AI on their own terms and foster a decolonial imagination

Listen to "AI journalism: the next generation?"

International Journalism Festival on Friday Apr 21, 2023
14:00 - 14:50
Sala dei Notari, Palazzo dei Priori
"AI is now part of news gathering, production and delivery around the world, from small specialist newsrooms to global organisations. But how is changing the journalism created and what impact will it have on the industry overall? What are the ethical, economic and editorial issues at stake as machine learning, text/video generation, automation and personalisation become drivers of news creation and consumption?"

transcribe and mark timestamps for key moments

Gina Chua
executive editor at Semafor

"Just to start and set the table, right, large language models are fascinating and they do huge amounts of things. And I think there is an incredible amount of misunderstanding about what they can and cannot do. They are language models, not fact models, not verification models. They don't do any of that stuff well. But what they do do is they do language incredibly well."

"The key point in that is that I wasn't asking it for facts. I was saying "take this single corpus of information, single story and rewrite it in different ways" and it did not introduce errors because it was working off a single thing."

"“We can think about how to regenerate news and reach people in new forms that I’ve only dreamed of. Can we create narrative journalism where you can actually say “what happened today” and have the chat bot go “there was a fire” “I don’t care about the fire, what’s the next story” or you can say “oh, there was a fire, where was it? Did anybody die? What was the cause?”…and you can start thinking about news in very very different ways. Rebuild the article. Rebuild the news experience beyond using AI to help us do what we already do"

Lisa Gibbs
Director News Partnerships Associated Press

"ChatGPT, per unlike other AI and automation technologies, introduces risks to news intellecutal property in ways that have not existed before, and so when you ask what we are doing now – that is different than what we were doing before. Now the lawyers are involved"

"The other thing I;m concerned about is that the rush to sound smart and try things with GPT is leading newsrooms and journalists to rush into do some things that they don't hav ean understanding of. But more importantly, their newsrooms do not have the infrastructure to support."

"AP (Associated Press) surveyed 200 mostly smaller and local newsrooms in the United states a couple of years ago about their understanding of A.I. and what their technology pain points and problems were. (...) One of the things we found when we did the survey of 200 organizations in the US, the majority of them are not even using tools like audio and video transcription. They are not even automating basic data into stories or summaries to produce for their audienes is the lack of technology knowledge capacity."

Associated Press's AI and Journalism Webinar
mentioned by Lisa Gibbs

Chris Moran
Head of Editorial Innovation of The Guardian
"I found myself asking less about what the technology specifically can do and more what is journalism for. What do we do as journalists? Which of those tasks are mundane and we should try and get rid of to free people up for more interesting things, and which are the kind of things we don't want this kind of technology to touch in such a specific way."

Curious about Charlie Beckett's Global Survey of Journalism and Artificial Intelligence in 2019

Charlie Beckett
Director Polis London School of Economics
Panelist at the talk
"New powers,New Responsibilities"published together with Polis and the Google News Initiative.

Critique highlighted text from article with the talk

It seems like the best way to implement AI is to have it build from a given text, or content instead of counting on AI as generating raw content on its own. AI can be a "layer of polish."

Think over efforts made

Attend International Journalism Festival on Saturday Apr 22, 2023

You can't attend because you had to leave Italy early for family business

Watch recordings online

The elephant in the room: could AI give technology giants more control over the news?
11:00 - 11:50
saturday 22/04/2023
Auditorium San Francesco al Prato
Panelists include Charlie Beckett, Emily Bell, Nicholas Diakopoulos, Uli Koppen,and Felix Simon

check panelist Uli Koppen

Uli Koppen, Founder and Scientific Director at Mila, Head of AI + Automation Lab, Co-Lead of BR Data • Bayerischer Rundfunk • Munich, Germany
She is currently collaborating with diverse teams of journalists, coders, and designers who specialize in investigative data stories, interactive storytelling, and the exploration of innovative research techniques like bots and machine learning.
information from Online News Association

Locate key moments when Uli Koppen spoke up

I'm happy to help!
Uli Koppen responding to Emily's question: "I thought you said something very interesting about the dark side to AI as well. What we don't talk about is how we are using these tools and how has it affected journalists in the newsroom." Koppen: It has those two sides, as you said. We should discuss, as a society, how we wanna use algorithms. How do people now embed them into our systems. Because I think there's not much to talk about if there's a good use for. It's not the tool is bad or good. It's a tool. We can use it and we have to decide how we are using it.
It's a great moment to lobby infrastructure, you know, this thing journalists don't think is very sexy. So if you're talking to your CEOs to lobby for API and metadata that are often legacy, no one wants to touch that because it's so difficult due to its legacy systems but we have to do those long term decisions. We have to make conscious decisions about that. The hype around AI, as I said, is a very good moment to lobby for that.
Koppen responded to Nicholas Diakopoulos's comment that "We've been developing techniques for algorithmic accountability, now AI accountability reporting. We've been developing these techniques for ten years, and you know The Markup is doing it, and there are others who are doing it. We probably need ten times as much investigation on technology and society."
Koppen: It's a horizontal layer like climate reporting. It's not just one silo team working around AI, it helps if you have specialists because you need people who have statistic knowledge for machine learning. So we really appreciate the specialist team we have. But we're also working on integrating the economy, soirts, more or less every beat we're having

Ask Ezra Klein your concerns about A.I. and your potential unemployment Jobs

New York Times Ezra Klein Show
Friday, April 7th, 2023
Why A.I. Might Not Take Your Job or Supercharge the Economy Ezra Klein answers listener questions about how A.I. might change our lives — or not.

transcribe the conversation

transcription available on New York Times site

Summarize Ezra's reaction to Musk's signed open letter that urges a 6 month pause on advancement of A.I. beyond GPT-4

In summary, the author reflects on their evolving perspective regarding A.I., considering the potential benefits of a slowdown in development versus the challenges of making it a viable political position. They emphasize the need for a positive view and a clear agenda during any pause, rather than simply delaying progress without a purpose. The author expresses concerns about the dominance of a few tech companies in shaping A.I. development and calls for a public vision for A.I. to ensure its societal implications are not solely determined by market forces. They highlight the importance of interpretability in A.I. systems, enabling a deeper understanding of their decision-making processes and the ability to explain their outputs. However, they acknowledge that current efforts to improve interpretability lag behind the advancements in learning systems.

Highlight quotes that you find important

"I tend to be much less confident that A.I. is going to replace a lot of jobs in the near term than other people seem to be in part because I don’t think the question is whether a job can be replaced. There’s also a question of whether we let it be replaced."
"If to have your job as a contract lawyer, or a copy editor, or a marketer, or a journalist automated away is to become useless in the eyes of society, then, yeah, that’s not going to be a reassessment of values. That’s going to be a punishment we inflict on people so the owners of A.I. capital can make more money."

Go on a coffee break with Malika so you can rest your eyes from the screen a bit

Talk to Malika about this article you've been working about AI and journalism

you're out of
sticky notes
Ezra Klein: "I don’t think the question is whether a job can be replaced. There’s also a question of whether we let it be replaced."
Gina Chua:
"We're not here to save journalists, we're here to save journalism"
journalism requires human connection and judgement
take on a journalistic lens to critique this A.I. generated article
drag and drop sticky notes to jot down important notes

Attend International Journalism Festival on Thursday Apr 20, 2023

Generative AI in the newsroom
11:00 - 11:50
Sala delle Colonne, Palazzo Graziani

workshop lecture by Nicholas Diakopoulos director Computational Journalism Lab Northwestern University. " In this workshop I’ll demystify these technologies and explore ways in which they could be productive in various newsroom tasks. Lots of examples will bring the possibilities to life, showing opportunities to use such AI models for rewriting text, summarizing or classifying documents, generating ideas, extracting data, and more."

Weigh Diakopoulos' use of A.I. image generation against Center for Artistic Inquiry and Reporting's Open Letter to restrict A.I. Illustration from publishing

If A.I. risks to cause misinformation when treated as a fact model, how much can we trust A.I. for its image production? How transparent is this algorithmic calculation for us to prevent A.I. from plagiarizing visual sources. Quoting from CAIR's Open Letter, " Media publishing takes intellectual property rights very seriously. Its business would not exist without upholding the laws and values that protect such rights."

Imagine the possibility of AI as a language model

Recall Gina Chua's speech in Friday's International Journlism Conference

“Is [AI] resource or culture?” Gina answered “It’s both but it’s imagination.”
the prosaic versus the creative side of things that we need to see in AI brings a myriad of possibilities into narrative journalism. It can help us imagine ways to tell stories that break conventional ways of writing. AI can helps us improve our output in which it does an amazing job at proofing. As Gina was also mentioning, AI is a tool that will level us up and create a different type of competition.

Recall Lisa Gibb's speech about Jobs

International Journalism Festival on Friday Apr 21, 2023
14:00 - 14:50
“Journalists have been losing jobs at the rate of thousands, and it is not about AI. This is not the highest challenge."

Reseach how jobs are being threatened

Revisit Charlie Beckett's report mentioned in the News Article

Charlie Beckett's "New powers,New Responsibilities" published by together with Polis and the Google News Initiative. 2019
Out of the 71 news organizations from 32 different countries, 60% is concerned with AI's impact on their journalism practice.

Browse Nic Newman's "Journalism, Media, and Technology Trends and Predictions 2022" with Reuter's Institute and University of Oxford.

5.1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Automation
GRAPH: Which newsroom uses of AI will be most important in 2022?
81% of the news leaders see AI as important for automating and speeding up newsroom workflows.